Phreaking's getting tricky these days, ain't it? Ok, there are two groups of things a code hacker should have, the necessities and the things that are good to have... Here are the necessities: Mutliple ports. If you constantly try to hack from the same port (the 800/950 or whatever number that the company you're hacking from is on) you are begging to be caught. The program should have an option to handle at least 5 different ports. It should also be able to handle a different format for each one if necessary. (One could require nine digits, another only 4, another requiring a 9 before the place you're trying to call to, etc) Multiple targets. The program should be able to handle as many target numbers as it can ports. If everytime you try a code you go to the same number you are, again, begging to be caught. The ability to hack codes RANDOMLY. And when I say random, I mean going as far as to have a different seed each time it generates a random code... If you hack sequentially I hope you get caught. Not only should the codes it tries be random, but almost everything about the program should be random. It should pick a random port, with a random target, and with a random code. Believe it or not, some companies are starting to show some intelligence, and they're beginning to notice patterns. . . You can't predict chaos, remember that. The ability to stop after a certain number of tries, or a certain number of successful codes, or at a certain time. If you let the hacker run for a long time, you better have a LOT of ports and targets set up... Hack for short periods of time, or for a relatively small number of tries. If you get impatient and desperate for codes, you will make mistakes. And now, the nice things to have. The ability to have a random delay between the tones it dials. Humans can't dial 11 digit numbers in .7 of a second, and the companies know that. Humans also cannot dial with a consistent gap between each tone. If the program puts a random time between each tone, the system will have a better chance of thinking you're a human. The program SHOULD be able to encrypt all of the codes it hacks when it saves them/prints them/etc. That way, IF you get busted, you won't have so much evidence against you. When you get nailed, they go through everything, even if they are idiot schmucks. If your list of codes contains all 'wrong' codes, they'll have less of a case against you. It is also nice if the code hacker waits a random length of time between attempts, no matter how many ports it is trying. If you're hacking random ports, with random targets, with a random delay between digits dialed, with a random amount of time between all of your attempts, and with a randomly generated code, you're going to be hard as hell to catch. And now some warnings. . . I don't know if it is a COMMON practice, but some companies have set up bad accounts (codes, whatever) for the specific purpose of catching whoever tries to use it. If it doesn't belong to a real person, only a hacker would get it. Don't hack fast... If at all possible, dial fairly slowly. I've heard of places that watch for extremely fast dialers. Don't phreak to the same place with the same code constantly. I feel that one is self explanatory. If you're very cautious, you can always use someone else's line when you are searching for codes. But be SURE you don't leave anything that can point to you. If you think there is a chance that you've been snagged, or at least caught the attention of the Gestapo, stop phreaking. The less stuff they have against you, the less of a case they'll have against you. Also, if you keep phreaking, they'll sooner or later shove a printout in your face that contains every number dialed from your phone. Don't bring everybody else down just because you got careless. Speaking of bringing everyone else down... I don't know if the truth has been out yet, so I'll bring it out. There was a loser by the name of Jeremy Hall. His common handles were "Quicksilver" and "Shells". He thought he was hot shit. He set up many Alliance conferences, called up Voice Mailboxes almost everyday, etc. He was about 13 years old, a little whiny brat. Well, there was also a damn good phracker by the handle of Amadeus. Ever wonder what happened to him? Quicksilver turned him in to save his own ass. He also caused alot of Mailboxes to come down, and I think a few boards came down because of his ignorance. Just thought I'd mention that for those who knew Amadeus or Narcsilver.