Saiya-Jin Palace
Episode Reviews 21-42
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2nd Guide Cnt. F'n Again (The last..I hope)
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DragonballZ 21 - 42 Episode Summaries

21 - Appear Shenlong! The Saiya-jin Are About to Arrive.
Son Gokou has finally arrived with his last day of training with Kaio. They
review his learned techniques, the Kaio-ken, and the Genki Dama (Spirit
Bomb). Then with the help of Kaio's telepathy Son Gokou contacts Muten
Roshi and asks him to summon Shenlong and wish him back to life. Son
Gokou bids farewell to Kaio and his new friends and dash off on Snake Way
back to Earth. Elsewhere, back on Earth, the two saiya-jin Nappa and Vegeta
finally land on Earth.

22 - That's Ridiculous! Saiyba-men Sprout from the Ground.
Nappa and Vegeta find Piccolo and Son Gohan and engage them, Kuririn then
arrives. Unimpressed by their power Nappa plants six seeds in the ground,
which a few seconds later sprout into strange plant-like monsters.

23 - Yamcha Dies! The Frightening Saiyba-men.
Yamcha then arrives on the seen with Tenshinhan and Chazou. Tenshinhan
who wants to fight first, steps up to the Saiyba-men. Yamcha then declares
that he wants to go first instead; he then begins his fight with one of the
Saiyba men. Yamcha defeats his opponent with ease, but as he is walking
away the Saiyba man grabs onto him and self-destructs, killing them both.
Enraged by the loss of his friend, Kuririn steps up next to fight.

24 - Goodbye Tienshinhan... Chazou's Sacrifice.
The enraged Kuririn begins his attack with an enormous energy attack, which
he directs at the men-men, Kuririn manages to successfully kill 3 of them; the
last one attacks Son Gohan and is killed by Piccolo. Now the real battle
begins and Nappa begins his attack. The giant saiya-jin begins by taking off
half on Tien's arm, in an effort of bravery Chazou grabs onto Nappa's back and
self-destructs in an effort to destroy Nappa. The saiya-jin surprisingly emerges
unscathed by the attack.

25 - Tenshinhan's Final Scream! His Last Energy Beam.
Saddened and enraged by the loss of his companion Chazou. Tenshinhan then
decides to attack Nappa. He is just no match for the saiya-jin, Tenshinhan
then falls. Piccolo, Son Gohan, and Kuririn then prepare to attack Nappa.
When out of nowhere Tenshinhan uses his last bit of energy to launch a Hugh
attack on Nappa, but again he emerges without a scratch.

26 - Waiting Patiently For 3 Hours. The Candy Cloud Flies
The remaining three begin to talk, Vegeta hears that Son Gokou, or
"Kakarotto" will be arriving, and hence Vegeta calls a three-hour break in the
fighting. A bored Nappa decides to go off and have a little fun, destroying not
only warships and fighter planes, but an entire city as well. He returns to the
battlefield, the three hours expired, and Vegeta allows the battle to re-start.
Meanwhile, Son Gokou finally arrives back to Enma's Great Hall, meets Kame,
and teleports back to the physical plane. He wastes no time and zooms off
toward the battle site, grabbing a few Senzu beans from Karin on his way
down the tower.

27 - Leave It To Me. Gohan's Explosion of Anger.
Piccolo devises a strategy to grab Nappa's tail, while Kuririn and Son Gohan
attack head-on. The plan fails, however, since Nappa's "evolved" status as a
fighter makes his tail no longer a weakness. Kuririn's new technique, the
Kienzan, fails as well, only managing to cut Nappa's cheek. All of those
assembled begin to sense a powerful Ki approaching, which Vegeta knows
can only be Kakarotto (Son Gokou). He orders Nappa to finish off the three
remaining warriors, and Son Gohan attacks with a last-ditch effort against
Nappa, which only makes the Saiya-jin furious. He launches a massive energy
beam at the boy, and at the last second, Piccolo, acting as a shield and
taking the full brunt of the blast.

28 - The Savagery Of The Saiya-jin! God And Piccolo Die.
Nappa's attack hits Piccolo full force, and he falls to the ground. Son Gohan
begs his mentor to hold on, but Piccolo is beyond help, and dies soon. Kame
vanishes as well, taking the power of Earth's Dragon Balls with him. Son
Gohan retaliates, but to no avail, and he collapses in defeat. Nappa stands
over him, planning to simply crush the boy, when nimbus suddenly whisks
Son Gohan to safety. Son Gokou has finally arrived. The sight of his dead
friends drives him over the edge, and he and Nappa begin to fight.

29 - Wow, Daddy! Lord Kaio's Killer Technique.
Nappa grows angrier by the moment as Son Gokou avoids his every last
attack easily. Vegeta tells Nappa that he will take over now, and a frustrated
Nappa suddenly attacks Son Gohan and Kuririn! Son Gokou notices this at
the last second, and uses the Kaio-ken technique in order to catch up in time.
He injures Nappa badly, who then begs Vegeta for help. Instead, the heartless
Saiya-jin berates Nappa's weakness, tosses him into the air, and vaporizes
him. Son Gokou tells Son Gohan and Kuririn to return to the Kame House, and
he and Vegeta fly off to do battle.

30 - A Battle Beyond Imagination: Gokou vs. Vegeta!
Son Gokou finds his fight with Vegeta alot harder than he had thought. Son
Gokou then uses his Kaio-ken technique but it does not do much good against
the saiya-jin. Vegeta has now increased his powerlevel fully. Son Gokou
31 - Now Son Gokou! The Last Great Effort. Kamehameha x3.
Son Gokou powers up with a triple Kaio-ken and attacks Vegeta, who, to his
surprise, is soon overwhelmed. Enraged, Vegeta decides to use one of his
most powerful techniques, the Galic-Ho, with which he plans to destroy not
only Son Gokou, but the planet Earth as well. Son Gokou counters the blast
with a Kamehameha, and is forced to bring the Kaio-ken up to level four.
Vegeta's beam is overwhelmed, and he is blasted away into the sky. He
returns minutes later more furious than ever, launches an artificial moon
energy ball into the sky, and begins to transform into a giant Oozaru!

32 - Battle Power Ten-fold! Vegeta's Great Transformation.
Son Gohan senses that his father is in trouble, and he and Kuririn turn back
towards the battle site, despite Kuririn's protests that there is nothing they can
do. Meanwhile, the transformed Vegeta is even more powerful and agile than in
his normal state, and Son Gokou is hopelessly outmatched. He uses
Tenshinhan's Saiyoken attack to blind Vegeta, and collects energy for a Genki
dama while his opponent is blinded by the technique. However, Vegeta regains
control just as Son Gokou launches the attack, and he counters with a beam
that takes Son Gokou down, and scatters the energy he gathered. After
breaking Son Gokou's legs, the giant ape picks Son Gokou up and begins to
crush him like a bug.

33 - Don't Die Daddy! Gohan's Inner Strength.
Son Gohan and Kuririn arrive at the battle site to find Yajirobe, who tells them
that he has been hiding and watching the whole time. Kuririn attempts to slice
Vegeta's tail off with his Kienzan, but Vegeta avoids the disk. To everyone's
surprise, Yajirobe suddenly comes out of nowhere and cuts the tail off with his
katana (Japanese sword), returning Vegeta to his normal state. A furious
Vegeta and Son Gohan begin to fight, and Son Gokou passes what is left of
the dispersed Genki dama energy to Kuririn.

34 - Hit Him, Kuririn! The Energy Ball of Everyone's Prayers.
As Son Gohan and Vegeta fight, Kuririn launches the Genki dama at Vegeta
just as he is about to finish Son Gohan off. Vegeta sees it coming toward him,
however and leaps out of the way at the last moment, leaving the attack
headed straight for Son Gohan! Son Gokou contacts his son telepathically,
and tells him to bounce the Genki dama back towards Vegeta, which he does,
scoring a perfect hit. Vegeta falls to earth a little later, and is taken for dead.
But to everyone's horror, his eyes snap open, and he counterattacks with a
with an energy wave that knocks everyone unconscious. Vegeta then notices
that Son Gohan's tail has grown back, and decides that he must be eliminated

35 - Super Saiya-jin, Son Gohan, Performs a Miracle!
Son Gokou instructs Gohan to look at the artificial moonlight in the sky, and
son Gohan goes Oozaru to the dismay of a now frightened Vegeta. He
manages to stay away from the giant were-monkey, and is eventually able to
cut his tail off with an energy disc. However, as Son Gohan falls
de-transforming, Vegeta gets trapped beneath the giant beast, and is crushed
under his massive bulk. Finally accepting defeat, Vegeta calls his space pod
via remote control, and as he crawls toward it, Kuririn limps over to him, ready
to finish the Saiya-jin off with Yajirobe's sword. At the last second, however,
Son Gokou makes a telepathic plea that he let Vegeta go, and Kuririn
reluctantly obeys.

36 - Leap Into Space! The Planet of Hope is Piccolo's Home.
Not much happens in this episode unfortunately Buruma, Muten Roshi, Chi
Chi and Karin arrive to pick up the weary survivors, and also carry out the
much more grisly task of retrieving the bodies of their dead friends. They hear
from Kaio, and decide that their last hope is to go to Namek and seek the
Dragon Balls that exist there.

37 - The Mysterious Yunzabit... Find God's Spaceship.
Son Gokou, Son Gohan, and Kuririn are taken to the hospital to have their
wounds mended. Everyone wonders how it will be possible to get to Namek,
and Mr. Popo shows up with the answer. He takes Buruma to see
Kame-sama's old, abandoned spaceship, which is still in perfect working
order. They take it for a little test drive and appear in the orbit of Jupiter within
a matter of seconds. Buruma and Mr. Popo celebrate the success, knowing
that this is their one and only ticket for bringing their friends back to life.

38 - Take off for Namek! The Terror that Awaits.
Not much happens in this episode. Buruma returns to the hospital, and
excitedly tells the others about the successful launch of Kame's spaceship.
She, Kuririn, and Son Gohan decide to make the journey to Namek, and they
depart soon after.

39 - Friend or Foe! Children of the Mysterious Giant Spaceship.
Our heroes are now well into their journey, Buruma is relaxing, while Son
Gohan and Kuririn train. Suddenly, they are attacked by a squadron of tiny
spacecraft, and are captured by a large, invisible vessel. The three of them
explore the ship, avoiding traps and obstacles, and suddenly find themselves
surrounded by dozens of children, who are armed to the teeth.

40 - Really? That's the Planet of Hope, Namek?
Buruma, Son Gohan, and Kuririn find themselves in the clutches of a group of
young space voyagers who have been driven from their home planet by
something called 'Freezer,' who they believe our heroes are allied with. Buruma
saves their ship from a meteor shower, proving that they are indeed on the
same side. They take their leave, and are soon excited to see a lovely sight
filling the forward viewport: the planet Namek.

41 - The Kind Aliens... A Dragon Ball Suddenly Appears.
The crew straps in for a rough landing on Namek, a landing that knocks all
three of them out. They awaken in a room and are greeted by two aliens who
they assume are Namek-jin, since they look just like Piccolo. The pair, Raichi
and Zakuro, seems friendly enough, and our heroes already locate their first
Dragon Ball. Meanwhile, Vegeta returns to planet Freezer No. 79 to heal from
his wounds.

42 - Planet Freezer #79, Vegeta Recovers.
Son Gohan, Kuririn, and Buruma continue in their quest for more Dragon Balls,
and are faced with increasingly dangerous hazards in their efforts to retrieve
them. Their search leads to a huge castle, where they end up fighting a giant
for their very live
decides that his only hope is to up the stakes, the only way he knows how to
is with a triple Kaio-ken!