2-13-02 Well, I've finally gotten somethings added to the site pertaining to subjects other than anime. We've finally branched into the vast Hacking/Cracking world. I hope some of the stuff I add will help you learn some skills needed, or just wanted, to make your information seeking days easier. Oh yeah, on to the new enemy page. I have been banned from ALL of MSN for only God knows how long. These bans have been known to last as long as a month or longer. Just check out the new enemy page for all the information on the subject please. 1-2-02 Heh heh... I don't add much news ever anymore. I just find it useless and boring as all hell. I really have no reason as of now to post anything but just to say happy new year and such. I hope everyone that I avent seen in a while is doing fine. I already know everyone around here now is doing great so I don't have to ask. ^_^" If there are any comments out there from anyone just email me your questions or comments. I believe I'm getting some new members to the clan and I will be adding some more pictures and gifs soon. SOON! So until next time....OTAKINGS!!!! heh heh...... Um I added a whole bieoitching crap load of info to the site. I basically just took out the run between of my old site and this one, taking the info from the old and putting it in the new. Although the info isn't all spread out, now it's in diffeent seperated sections. If you didn't notice in the 2nd Guide the enemies are in red and the good guys are blue. 11-13-01 Well it's been a while since I've added news, but there has been alot of stuff done to the site. I have added a chat and a message board. I'm still grounded so I can't come into MSN. (or even edit my site, but what's stopping me) See you all later. Love you all, and.... OTAKINGS!!!!!!! 11-2-01 Well, it's me again. I redecorated the site today big time. I hink it is better than before. It is more interactive than it was before. Many more ways to contact me and get invlolved. If you think that I should change anything or you would like to add something, just email me from one of the many form senders I added to the site. Until next time.... OTAKINGS!!!! 11-1-01 Well I got on again. lol. sigh..... Anyways, I added an Akira review to the anime reviews page. It is pretty good. I really suggest you see the original best anime in the world.(AKIRA) I added a comment sender to the site, it's down lower on this page. Just tell me what ya think and I'll get back to you. WEll, I'm grounded for the next, let's see, hmmmmmmmmm..... month!>_<" I love you all, Peace out, and....OTAKINGS!!!!
10-30-01 Well I managed to sneak on again and I don't think I'm going to do anything to the site. I'm really depressed and I don't know what to think.....I guess I just gotta find some kind of way to get through the day without thinking about ending it. I'm downloading Counter-Strike right now. I'm gonna have a little fun with some of my local friends. lol . Anyways, I just hope that this site has in some way brought you closer to the world of anime. I want all of you to know that I love each and everyone of you. >_< My mom's here! I better get off!lol bye bye everyone 10-29-01 Well here I am again. i snuck onto the computer so I could bring you all up on whats up... I'm a tad bit grounded and it's gonna be a problem for me to contact all of the people in the force and my family members etc... I'm going to be grounded for at least a month(or at least that's what my mom said >_<"). When I get ungrounded the first thing I'm going to do is talk to all of my friends. Of course. lol. I'm really tired right now cause I stayed up 'till one in the morning last night to watch Cowboy Bebop, GREAT anime. Although you probably don't care about that. Anyways, I plan on adding a bunch of anime to the reviews section. Including Kido Senshi Gundam(Mobile Suit), Dragonball Series, SAilor Moon, Tenchi, and alot of others so stay tuned. And until next time.... Otakings!!!! 10-24-01 |