His screenname is Host_Micro_Gator, he seems nice enough and such, but he is an arrogant bische who needs to be taught a lesson on manners. I have cloned his name and you can use it to your enjoyment. =) Passport-hostmicro@microsoft.com Password-arrogantbische <------MUHAHAHAHAHAHA Back to reasons for adding this ass to the enemies. Now, lets just think of the characteristics of a "good" MSN host. It has to be someone who sticks to the rules (of course >_<"), someone who you can actually carry out a good conversation out with, and someone that doesnt just flip out over things that bother him/her and noone else. All he was doing in this chat was; Trying to be popular with the people; Not even warning me or anyone of the things they were doing wrong; He wasn't even taking care of all the Porn Spammers in the chatroom, although alot of you like those damned bots, some of us are annoyed by the space they take up and the retarded whispers they do. He was a disgrace to *shudders*, if it's possible to disgrace it, MSN!=0 For the longest time me and a large ammount of peoples have worked together, and solo, on taking down MSN. I'm guessing most of us have grown close to the things we all hate, and we need to keep this mofo clean of bastards like Micro. Don't get me wrong, I like a good ol' challenge. One of the things I love to do is mess with the MSN hosts. They're so cute ^_^". Kinda weird though, I wasn't doing anything to anger him. )>=@.....Now this biznitch did a few things I don't like, he was very rude(to just me-go figure), he kicked me multiple times without warning or reason, he banned me......FROM ALL OF MSN!!-_-" Oh but this isnt the clincher..... one of my good buds Ambah went in to have a chat with him, she was all polite and was just asking him questions about my banning. Other than having no answers, he lied about everything. Supposedly he was telling me I was about to be banned, and I was warned multiple times. Obviously this is a lie. Then he said that i was antagonizing him by coming back everytime he kicked me, and then..........KABANG!!!!!!)>=@ He kicked Ambah for no apparent reason at all. This displeases me.lol
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