Saiya-Jin Palace
Episode Reviews 1-20
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Dragon Ball Z Training Technique
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DragonballZ 1 - 20 Episode Summaries

1 - A Sheltered Boy: My Name is Son Gohan
The episode begins with the telling of events that have happened since the end
of Dragonball to the present time. Out in space a space pod approaches and
lands in a field below. To a local farmer's surprise, a strange man in habits the
space pod, the man kills the farmer, then takes off to find something.
Meanwhile, Son Gohan, Son Gokou's son (a surprise in the first episode) is
rescued from a cliff by his father. The two converse and head off to Muten
Roshi's house. Arriving at the Kame house, Son Gohan is introduced to Son
Gokou's friends, this is the first time Son Gohan meets Kuririn, Buruma, and
Muten Roshi. Elsewhere, the strange visitor from space confronts, Piccolo.
After realizing that who he was really after was close by the strange man
takes off towards Son Gokou and the others at the Kame House.

2 - History's Greatest Warrior is Gokou's Older Brother...
Back at the Kame House, Son Gokou and Kuririn become distressed when
the feel a strong ki approaching them. The strange man lands and confronts
Son Gokou and Kuririn, he then explains that he is Son Gokou's brother
Radditz, and explains that Son Gokou's real name is Kakarotto, and that he is
from an ancient warrior race called the saiya-jin! Radditz explains that the
saiya-jin conquer planets and sell them to buyers. After realizing that Son
Gokou's boyhood concussion caused him to lose his saiya-jin mission, he
tells Son Gokou to come join him in space, and become a saiya-jin again. Son
Gokou refuses; angered Radditz takes Son Gohan and flies off.

3 - This is it! The World's Strongest Team.
After Radditz leaves, Piccolo arrives and suggest him and Son Gokou team up
against Radditz, because they aren't strong enough by themselves.
Meanwhile, Radditz locks up a crying Son Gohan in his space pod, and then
goes walks nearby. Shortly after Son Gokou and Piccolo the world's strongest
team arrive to fight Son Gokou's evil brother.

4 - Piccolo's Secret Ace! Son Gohan the Crybaby.
Son Gokou and Piccolo begin their struggle against Radditz, and soon realize
that they have met their match. During the action Piccolo loses an arm to
Radditz, then realizing what he must do he tries out his new technique, the
Makkanpossapo, on Radditz. He easily dodges Piccolo's attack, and
continues his attack; out of nowhere an enraged Son Gohan show awesome
power and bursts out of Radditz's space pod.

5 - The Death of Son Gokou!
Surprised by Son Gohan, Radditz stops his assault on Son Gokou, to get
smashed in the stomach by Son Gohan. Taking this to his advantage, Son
Gokou grabs Radditz and tells Piccolo to try his technique again. Piccolo
successfully executes the attack, striking down Radditz, and Son Gokou in
the process.

6 - The King is shocked. Fighting in his Netherworld?
With his last dying words, Radditz explains to Piccolo that his scouter device
is a communicator, and that two much stronger saiya-jin that will be arriving in
a year. Roshi, Kuririn, and Buruma then arrive on the seen. Son Gokou takes
his last breath and his body fades away. Son Gokou then finds himself in
Heaven with Kame-sama, he is told by King Enma, the one in charge of
heaven and hell, that in order to beat the saiya-jin he must travel 10,000 miles
to receive training from the ancient god Kaio-sama. Son Gokou then goes to
start his long journey. Back on Earth, Piccolo takes Son Gohan to train him to
use his special powers to help beat the saiya-jin.

7 - Son Gohan's Harsh Survival Training with Dinosaurs.
Arriving at a deserted spot Piccolo explains to Son Gohan of his special
power, he then tells Son Gohan that he is going to leave him out in the
wilderness for survival training. Left by himself by Piccolo, Son Gohan soon
discovers that living in the wild alone will not be an easy task. After he is
attack by what looks like a T-rex and he ends up getting stuck on the top of a
lonely plateau.

8 - A Full Moon Transformation: The Secret of Son Gohan's Power.
In the middle of the night Son Gohan awakens to the surprise of a full moon, a
sight he had never seen before. Son Gohan's saiya-jin blood begins to take
over and he transforms into Oozaru (Were-Monkey) form. Piccolo witnesses
the event from near by and is attacked by the Oozaru Son Gohan, nearly
getting killed Piccolo realizes that the moon is what made Son Gohan
transform, Piccolo then destroys then moon with a ki blast. Son Gohan goes
back to his real self and falls asleep. Piccolo then rips off the other part of the
problem, Son Gohan's saiya-jin tail.

9 - Sorry Mr. Robot. The Tears that Disappeared in the Desert.
Son Gohan awakens to realize that his tail is gone, and is almost eaten by a
giant bird. Not watching where he was going Son Gohan falls into a hole to
discover a robot in some ancient ruins, he then activates the robot, his new
friend. The re-activated robot tells Son Gohan how an earthquake buried him
there 8 years ago when the ruins were being excavated. Suddenly the cave
begins to crumble, the robot throws Son Gohan out of the ruins just in time,
the ruins crushed the robot, Son Gohan has lost his first friend. Sad over the
loss of his friend, Son Gohan wipes away his tears and continues on.

10 - Don't Cry! Son Gohan's First Battle.
Not much happens in this episode. Adapting to his life out in the wild, Son
Gohan play's doctor to an injured dinosaur that was attack by that T-rex thing.
Son Gohan had earlier got in a fight with the "T-rex", and cut off his tailfor
food! Meanwhile, elsewhere Kuririn arrives at a baseball game to find an
unhappy Yamcha, as a baseball player, getting into a fight. Kuririn then tells
Yamcha about the saiya-jin; Yamcha accepts the invitation and leaves with
Kuririn to train.

11 - The Saiya-jin, Greatest Warriors in the Universe, Awake.
Vegeta and Nappa, the two evil saiya-jin stop on a planet to investigate it for
sale, or "galactic market potential", they are soon discovered by the
cricket-type people that inhabit the planet. The saiya-jin's allow themselves to
be captured in order to have a little fun. The two encounter the strange
prisoners planning on rebelling against the planet's monarchy, the two are then
taken to fight, the saiya-jin easily kills all those around them. Vegeta then
claims the planet is worthless and the two take off, before leaving Vegeta
easily destroys the planet with a ki blast. The two continue their way to Earth.

12 - Napping on the Path of the Snake... Son Gokou Falls Off!
Not much happens here either. The duo of Tenshinhan and Chazou make their
DBZ debut in this episode, they are living in a house with Lunch (someone
which is almost never heard from again later on during the series). Meanwhile
Son Gokou after taking a nap on a street cleaner's truck (why are there street
cleaners in heaven?) falls off into hell (oh no!).

13 - Keep your Hands Off! Lord Enma's Secret Fruit.
Son Gokou awakens in hell, thinking he has reached the end of Snake Way,
he soon realizes where he really is from two strange ogres that he encounters.
The ogres tell him that if he wants to escape he needs to pass several tests;
Son Gokou of course passes them with ease. The ogres then show him the
way out which leads toEnma's Desk! Son Gokou now has to start his
journey over again.

14 - Sweet Seduction...The Snake Princess' Hospitality.
Son Gokou has already past where he was before he fell off; along the road he
finds a strange house. Inside the house he finds a princess that makes him
stay with her. Son Gokou is doesn't even try in his efforts to leave, but the
princess realizes that she will not be able to keep him there. In her last
attempt the princess shows here true form, that of a giant snake! Son Gokou
escapes her (of course) and succeeds in tying her in a knot. Meanwhile,
Kuririn, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Chazou and Yajirobe gather at Kami-sama's
temple and begin their training.

15 - Escape from Piccolo! Son Gohan and the Storm.
While Piccolo is off somewhere training, Son Gohan decides that he wants to
go home, Son Gohan does this by launching himself into the sea on his home
made raft, shortly after he becomes the victim of a treacherous storm.
16 - Run Son Gohan! Back to Mt. Paozu Where Chichi Waits.
Son Gohan's body drifts onto a lonely beach somewhere; he is then revived by
seven orphan children, which he makes friends with, Son Gohan later helps
fight off the police trying to capture them. Later, there is another police raid,
and all but Son Gohan and Pigero, the oldest of the orphans, are captured.
Pigero takes Son Gohan home to Mt. Paozu, but just as he is nearing his front
door. Son Gohan decides to be brave, and returns to the forest. There he finds
Piccolo, who reminds him of his obligation to save Earth, and they both return
to the island to continue their training.

17 - The Road to Victory is a Long One.
Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Kuririn, and Chazou continue their training at the
palace, when Mr. Popo has an idea. He leads the warriors to a special room
where they can travel through time and space. After entering the room, they
find themselves on Planet Vegeta (also called Planet Plant later, it is the home
planet of the saiya-jin), 100 years in the past. They face two brutal saiya-jin
that easily kill them all. After the battle they awaken back in the room and
decide to train even harder for the saiya-jin arrival.

18 - The End of the Path of the Snake.
This episode is completely useless in my opinion, but what am I to do ^_^.
While still training in the wild Gohan sees the image of a full moon being
projected from Son Gokou's old saiya-jin pod when he landed on Earth years
ago. Once again Son Gohan transforms into his Oozaru (Were-Monkey) state,
after almost killing Piccolo, he is able to destroy the old ship with his
Makkanpossapo technique. Meanwhile, Son Gokou finally reaches the end of
the snake way path at comes face to face with legendary Kaio-sama! Note:
Besides Son Gokou finishing his journey, this episode is completely unoriginal
and sounds exactly like episode 8.

19 - Catch Bubbles! The Struggle With Gravity!!!
Son Gokou's first test begins, as Kaio tests his sense of humor. He agrees to
train Son Gokou, and Son Gokou REALLY begins his training, by having to
catch Kaio's pet monkey Bubbles. This task proves harder than expected as
the odd gravity on Kaio's planet significantly reduces Son Gokou's speed. This
making Bubbles faster. Eventually Son Gokou succeeds in capturing Bubbles.

20 - The Legend of the Saiya-jin... Gokou's Roots.
The next of Son Gokou's tasks is revealed as he must now try to successfully
hit Kaio's companion, Gregory (he is some weird grasshopper freak thing). To
pass, Son Gokou must successfully hit Gregory with an extremely heavy
hammer, a challenge that Gokou has a lot of difficulty completing. Later Son
Gokou and Kaio go inside his house, and Son Gokou is told more about his
race the saiya-jin, and eventually of the destruction of planet Vegeta (spoiler:
later on in the series we find out that the planet was destroyed completely
differently than how Kaio described). With a renewed sense of urgency about
his responsibility to Earth, Son Gokou then catches Gregory easily. Kaio sees
a great deal of potential in his new student.