Bora and Upa Bora is a big man that guards Karin's tower, and Upa is his son. They have Goku's 4-star Dragon Ball,
and appear during the Red Ribbon saga. Bora is killed by Taopaipai, sparking a quest where Upa joins Goku to find the Dragon
Balls to revive him. After the first series, we don't see Bora and Upa again until the very end of DBZ during the fight with
Original Buu. Karin-sama A very old, wise cat which lives high on the top of Karin Tower. It is there
that he grows the Senzu seeds, magic beans that heal and energize whoever ate them, plus each seed is worth 10 days of food
when eaten. Karin-sama also has the Choushinsui, a ma gical but very poisonous tea that grants a large power-up to whoever
drinks it and survives. Uranai-no-Baba (lit. Fortune telling old woman) Uranai-no-Baba is Mutenroshi's
older sister, who runs a fortune telling "business." For 10,000,000 zeni (the DB world's money) you can have your
fortune told, or else you have to beat 5 of her fighters to have the future told. She also has the power to a llow someone
to come back from the dead for one day. She does this for Son Gohan (Goku's "grandfather") and Goku later on.
Son Gohan Sorry if this confuses you, there are 2 Son Gohans in the series. This one is Goku's "grandfather"
who found Goku abandoned in his Saiyajin space capsule and took him in. Goku squashed Gohan flat when he turned into a giant
monkey. Gohan comes back fro m the dead in the series as one of Uranai no Baba's 5 fighters to talk to Goku.
Tenshinhan Tenshinhan is a 3-eyed man who was a student of Mutenroshi's rival Tsurusennin, from whom he learned
a lot of interesting techniques. He can communicate telepathically with his best friend Chaozu, and his master Tsurusennin.
Originally he trained to be an assassin, but eventually realized that being one was not what he wanted. He beat Goku to win
the 2nd Tenkaichi-budokai, and was fairly powerful during the first series, second only to Goku. Recently, though, he has
taken a subordinate role in the series like Yamucha. Next to Yamucha, he is probably the weakest Z fighter. Chaozu
A small, pastel-white floating child, and friend of Tenshinhan. Like Tenshinhan, Chaozu is a student of Tsurusennin,
and competed in the second Tenkaichi-Budokai in the series. Chaozu is a fairly good fighter, but is not very good at math;
this proves to be his weakness. He is tied with Kulilin for the most number of deaths in the series. Yajirobe
A friend of Goku's and a minor character in the series who carried Goku up Karin's tower during the time when the old
Piccolo was around. For some reason he decided to stay there. He occasionally comes down to supply Senzu seeds. Normally a
coward, he occasionally does something brave, like attacking Vegita and cutting off his tail. He is a fairly good fighter
in his own right but not up to the standards of Goku and the others. Mister Popo Mister Popo is a short,
jet-black humanoid with a turban who lives up in the Tenkai and is a servant to whoever is the current Kami of earth. He's
been there since even before Kami-sama was there, and is fairly strong, though nowhere near as powerful as any of the other
Z fighters. Kami-Sama Kami-sama, the god of Earth, created Shen-Lon and the Dragon Balls. He is a Nameck-seijin
like Piccolo. Actually, he is Piccolo; he cast away all his evil into the old Piccolo. Therefore, if Piccolo dies, so does
he. Kami-sama lives in the Tenka i, a floating palace high above Karin's tower, where he can look down and see what is happening
on earth. He no longer exists, having fused with Piccolo to give him a large power-up so he could fight Cell.
Piccolo There are two Piccolos in the DB/DBZ series. The one who became a "good guy" was actually the
"new" Piccolo, the son of the first. To get info on the new Piccolo, check out the first character guide.
Son Gohan: Gohan is Goku's first son. Check the first character guide for more detail about him. Vegita
Aside from Goku, the only pure Saiyajin left alive by the end of the series. For more info on Vegita, look at the
first character guide. Enma-sama Enma-sama is a huge man that guards the entrance to the afterworld. He
sits at a desk and sends all the spirits that come there to either Tenkoku (heaven) or Jigoku. (Hell) He plays a fairly minor
role in the series but often deals with what happens to dead main characters, allowing them to return to Earth, etc. Note
that Enma is actually a figure from Shinto religion, the King of the Afterworld. Kaio-sama One of four
Kaios, beings from each corner of the galaxy who monitor activity in their sector of the galaxy. He lives on a ridiculously
small planet (ever read "The Little Prince?") at the end of a long road in Heaven. He has a pet monkey Bubbles and
in the TV series, a pet insect of some sort, Gregory. The first time Goku died, he trained with Kaio-sama and learned the
Kaio-ken and Genki-dama. Kaio's planet was destroyed when Cell blew up on it.