Muten Roshi and Tsurusennin train under Mutaito-sama Karin trains Muten Roshi for 3 years (holy water training) Muten
Roshi trains Son Gohan (Goku's grandpa) and Ox King (Gyuumaoh or Chi Chi's Father) Grandpa Son Gohan's training (Goku's
initial training) Oorinji Temple training (Krillin's initial training) Muten Roshi's trains Goku and Krillin Karin's
holy water training of Goku Muten Roshi trains Yamucha Kami-sama's training of Goku Tsurusennin trains Tein-shinhan
and Chaosu Kaio-sama's training of Goku Piccolo trains Gohan Kami-sama trains Krillin, Yamucha, Tein-shinhan,
Yajirobi and Chaosu Vegita special training Goku trains in the 100X gravity capsule Kaio-sama trains Yamucha,
Tein-shinhan and Chaosu Saiya-jins' ability to double power level when near death Goku trains with the Yardarrat-jin
(learned instantaneous movement) Vegita trains in 300X capsule and in space Piccolo, Goku and Gohan train Future
Trunks trains with Gohan in the future Saiya-jin training in the room of time (hyperbolic chamber) Goku trains in
the afterlife with Kaio-sama Vegita trains Trunks Gohan trains Goten, Videl and Trunks Goku trains Trunks and
Goten Fusion Goten and Trunks trains in the room of time. Dai Kaio-shin trains Gohan.